NFC Tools is an app which allows you to read, write and program tasks on your NFC tags and other compatible NFC chips.
Simple and intuitive, NFC Tools can record standard information on your NFC tags which will be compatible with any NFC device. For instance, you can easily store your contact details, an URL, a phone number, your social profile or even a location.

- NFC Tools App- iPhone APP Store Link
- ZappyCards PDF Guide PDF here
- NFC Tools App- Android Google Play store link
- Byte Size Too Big URL Shortener
- NFC Tools App Support NFC tools app support
- Google Business Sign-in Google business sign-in
*Please Note-Links Should ONLY Contain Following
But the app goes further and allows you to program tasks on your NFC tags in order to automate actions that were once boringly repetitive. Turn on the Bluetooth, set an alarm, control the volume, share a WiFi network configuration and more.